Welcome to Int8grator
The idea to have a place where integrations and solutions are exposed was born after a very long time within the realm of enterprise integrations. Initially, I have not decided what is going to happen, however, over the years materials have been collected and I came to the conclusion the knowledge should be shared.
The website is all about how to start to be part of something bigger, which should change the world of enterprise and cloud into something better. Not that they are not any good. But the transformation – the digital transformation – is always something required. Still, the website is for everyone else, who has big dreams.
Mostly you will find articles and products (most of them free in digital format) about integrations, startup frameworks, and business initiatives. However, importantly, you will find directions and guidance to get better, as a business.

Cris Marc
Technical Software Architect
Our projects
Digging in MULE CE – ESB Community Edition
Every business needs to have a free pain start. Every big business needs to cut spending and leverage innovation. Both cases require open source software adoption. The book chapters available for download presents the steps in the right directions. When I have decided to write the book about MULE CE I have already used it in three integrations for the company I was working for. I had followed the minimal training online and developed in less than 3 months a solution which would have cost the company £72K only the licenses if we would opt in for the enterprise solution. Do you want to find out how to cut £72K from your IT budget then read more
Let's get started
How to create RESTful API
Restful APIs services and Microservices with Mule E.S.B Community Edition
The PDF file contains hand on tutorial alongside with technical details related to flow components. Standard screen shoots have been made however some of them have low quality. There are34 pages in landscape mode. What is in this chapter?- Why MULE ESB RESTfull APIs?
- Development
- Bounded Context
- Size
- The Project
- Products API URI
- Customer API URI
- Order API URI
- Conclusions
How to create RESTful API
Restful APIs services and Microservices with Mule E.S.B Community Edition
The PDF file contains hand on tutorial alongside with technical details related to flow components. Standard screen shoots have been made however some of them have low quality. There are34 pages in landscape mode. What is in this chapter?- Why MULE ESB RESTfull APIs?
- Development
- Bounded Context
- Size
- The Project
- Products API URI
- Customer API URI
- Order API URI
- Conclusions
How to set configuration details for flows and environment in Mule ESB CE
- Global variables, local variables, and configurations with MULE ESB CE middleware.
- Flow Variables
- Session variables
- Configuring Properties
- The Project
- Conclusion
MULE ESB Configuration
How to set configuration details for flows and environment in Mule ESB CE
- Global variables, local variables, and configurations with MULE ESB CE middleware.
- Flow Variables
- Session variables
- Configuring Properties
- The Project
- Conclusion